Dental Sedation


Oral conscious sedation creates a condition called anxiolysis which relaxes patients who suffer from dental fear and anxiety. The patient simply takes the medication before their dental appointment. Dr. Victor Siegel helps patients overcome dental fear with sedation to provide them with much-needed dental care.

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In our office, we use a type of sedation referred to as oral conscious sedation. And we use that in order to produce a condition called anxiolysis, basically taking the edge off the patient's anxiety. We first interview the patient and go over their medical history to make sure that they're a candidate. We also will record some of their baseline physical signs, such as their blood pressure, their pulse, and their blood oxygen concentration. Those are the necessary measurements to make, to make sure that we keep them safe during the sedation procedure. Then we will prescribe for them a medication in the family of drugs that are similar to valium. And this allows a patient who has anxiety or fear of the dentist to be able to go through a dental appointment, get a number of procedures done, oftentimes not remember much of what was done. There's so many people who avoid going to the dentist altogether for fear. Over the years, I've had a number of those patients come to me and say, often sometimes in tears because they feel embarrassed because they haven't been to the dentist in a long time, the state of their mouth, and these are the patients where sedation can be a godsend to allow them to overcome their anxiety and have dentistry done in a comprehensive manner and get the care they need. And I'll tell you that having treated a lot of patients like this, a number of these patients, after having some dentistry done, gain an amount of trust where they don't need the sedation anymore. So they'll come into the office knowing that they have nothing to fear.

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Victor R. Siegel, DDS

Dr. Victor R. Siegel and Dr. Shannen Manlucu provide compassionate dental care in a relaxed and friendly environment. Our state-of-the-art practice is proud to be affiliated with:

  • American Dental Association
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • American College of Dentists
  • International College of Dentists

Comfort is one of our top priorities, so we offer sedation dentistry to help patients feel relaxed during their treatments. To schedule an appointment at our Rockville, MD, officecontact us online or call (301) 963-4330 today.

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