Completely Transform Your Appearance with a Smile Makeover

Dr. Victor R. Siegel offers customized smile makeover treatments for patients who would like to improve the overall aesthetics of their smile. A smile makeover is a comprehensive treatment plan that combines two or more cosmetic procedures. Combining these procedures allows Dr. Siegel to address the aesthetics of your smile as a whole rather than in bits and pieces. Our Rockville, MD, office uses the latest dental technology to ensure that your treatments are as efficient and rewarding as possible. 

Two smiling women posing and creating picture frame with fingers
Feeling confident in your smile can significantly improve your quality of life.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Smile Makeover?

Dr. Siegel will meet with you for a personal consultation at our Rockville dental office to discuss your individual needs and goals. He will ask what you like and dislike about your smile and perform a physical examination. In general, you may be a good candidate for treatment, you may feel self-conscious because of issues including:

  • Small gaps between the teeth
  • Minor chips and cracks
  • Misalignment
  • Teeth that are irregular in length or shape
  • Discoloration

To qualify for any cosmetic procedure, concerns such as gum disease and tooth decay must be addressed first. 

What Procedures Can I Include in My Treatment Plan?

A smile makeover is completely customized to meet your needs. Your personalized plan may include a number of cosmetic procedures, such as:

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that affix to the front of the teeth to conceal imperfections. These are the most versatile cosmetic procedure, as they can address dental stains, minor misalignment, and minor damage.
For more moderate misalignment that we cannot address with veneers, we recommend Invisalign. This orthodontic system uses clear aligners to discreetly straighten teeth in less time than traditional braces require.
Teeth Whitening
Professional teeth whitening is one of our most frequently requested cosmetic treatments. This option is often the first step in a smile makeover. Once we have whitened your teeth, we can match veneers and other restorations to the new shade for a brighter smile.
Gum Contouring
If you identify with having a "gummy smile," your dentist may recommend gum contouring. Also known as gum reshaping, this simple procedure can produce stunning effects in one appointment. We use laser techniques for minimal side effects and downtime. 
Cosmetic bonding uses composite resin to fill gaps, refine the shape of your teeth, and improve symmetry. Dr. Siegel applies this tooth-colored material in layers directly onto the teeth to create your desired look.

If you have had previous dental work that you are unhappy with, such as a metal crown or bridge, Dr. Siegel can often replace these with newer, more lifelike materials to ensure your entire smile looks more aesthetic.

Dr. Siegel has more than 30 years of experience and has focused much of his practice on cosmetic dentistry. He uses the latest technology and materials to ensure our patients achieve the most beautiful smiles possible.

What Benefits Does a Comprehensive Treatment Plan Offer?

One of the greatest benefits of a comprehensive smile makeover is the streamlined treatment. This option saves a great deal of time, as Dr. Siegel can typically perform multiple treatments in a single visit. Addressing multiple cosmetic concerns at once also allows him to focus on the smile as a whole. This approach can ensure better results, so you can feel more confident in your flawless smile.

Experience in Creating Beautiful Smiles

Dr. Siegel has more than 30 years of experience and has focused much of his practice on cosmetic dentistry. He uses the latest technology and materials to ensure our patients achieve the most beautiful smiles possible. If you want a complete transformation for your smile, contact our office online or call us at (301) 963-4330 to set up a cosmetic consultation.

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Victor R. Siegel, DDS

Dr. Victor R. Siegel and Dr. Aviva Kramer provide compassionate dental care in a relaxed and friendly environment. Our state-of-the-art practice is proud to be affiliated with:

  • American Dental Association
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • American College of Dentists
  • International College of Dentists

Comfort is one of our top priorities, so we offer sedation dentistry to help patients feel relaxed during their treatments. To schedule an appointment at our Rockville, MD, officecontact us online or call (301) 963-4330 today.

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