Victor R. Siegel, DDS

Rockville Dentist Offers Childrens Dental Health Tips

Feb 23, 2013 @ 09:32 AM — by dlmerulla
Tagged with: Rockville Dentist Childrens Dental Health Sealants Fluoride



Being proactive in your child’s dental health will be the key to your child growing into a healthy, adult smile according to Dr. Victor Siegel, your Rockville area dentist.  And what better time to review dental tips for kids than during Children’s Dental Health Month?

Although it does not get the publicity of many other diseases, dental decay is a very common childhood disease and increasing in the 2-5 year age group.  It is, however, preventable.

When Should the First Visit Be?

Although it was previously thought that children should not visit the dentist for the first time until about age 3, it is now recommended that you bring your child in by age one to establish a dental relationship.  This first visit can be quick, with the child sitting on a parent’s lap.  The importance of the visit is that the child learns that the dental office is not scary, while the parent and dental team discuss proper dental care. This is also a chance for the dentist to evaluate the child’s risk for developing cavities and review the child’s teeth development.

What are sealants?

Dr. Siegel, or Jilna, the dental hygienist, can apply sealants to teeth that are at risk for developing cavities.  This is done by “sealing” the tooth with a protective plastic coating, helping prevent cavities on those teeth.

Does my child need fluoride?

Yes!  Although many children receive fluoride naturally through their water supply, and toothpaste also contains fluoride, it is important to have fluoride placed on your child’s teeth at their twice annual dental cleaning.  This extra fluoride will strengthen the teeth to prevent cavities.

How does diet affect my child’s teeth?

Most parents have at one time or another handed over a bottle or sippy cup to a child for some peace and quiet.    Next time you do so, make sure it only contains water.  Extended time sipping on sweetened beverages can cause cavities as each time sugar is put into the mouth, it takes about 30 minutes to recover.  If the sipping is continuous, the mouth does not have a chance to recover.  Snacking on starchy foods, such as chips and crackers can cause the same problem. 

How do I keep my child cavity free?

The key to your child’s healthy mouth is preventative dentistry.  Follow the tips listed here, see the dentist for twice yearly check ups, and don’t hesitate to call if there is a specific concern.

If you would like some extra fun tips that we encourage you to use and keep your child interested in maintaining their healthy smile, please visit our Pinterest page and check out our Children’s Dental Health Month board!